That's the nature of the beast in freelance, especially if you're the one that handles every aspect of your business. In fact, it sometimes feels like the business side takes up more time than the actual creative end. Then again, maybe it's just me unnecessarily punishing myself. For instance, because of the Etsy shop's lack of customization, I decided to build my own online shop rather than using another third party service (like CafePress) or hiring a designer. (edit: the Etsy shop is still current and active). The task at hand involved learning to navigate through coding languages I never even knew existed on a shopping cart program called Zen Cart ... But with a bit of luck and a lot of research on the support forums I managed to get it running. Here's a snapshot of the site, which is now open for your shopping pleasure.

This, of course, inspired me to redesign (yet again) my gallery to have a more cohesive look... and with a bit more confidence in playing with codes, I was able to get my site to look the way I wanted it to all along.

Painted back in July while Alex and I were visiting Manhattan. We were under a bridge in Central Park while it was raining outside, watching an eccentric street performer by the name of Thoth.

Below: Thumbnail sketch for an illustration I'm currently painting.
In spite of a hectic schedule, I've managed to avoid complete burnout. I believe the key is balance, even if it's by way of intervention - After a solid week of sitting in front of a computer, my pal Robby hauled me off for a weekend of climbing below South Lake Tahoe.
We spent two days climbing, but since it was my first time using gear placements outdoors in over two years, we avoided doing anything too difficult. Still, the two routes we climbed were classics, and the view from above the ground is always rewarding. Unfortunately, I left my camera back home, so I grabbed these photos off the internet.

Back home, I've also been working on a long-term project for a possible feature film for kids. It's very exciting work, and I'm hoping that it pans out in the long run. Hopefully I'll be able to show some of the sketches soon, but we've still got a whole lot of ground to cover so it may be a while, yet. In the meantime, I'll see if I can finally relax and paint now that I'm no longer my own web designer.... temporarily.