It's been a while since I've let a whole week pass between blog posts, but I've got good reason this time besides laziness. I very recently started a new job as an in-house illustrator for a game company called Autumn Moon Entertainment.
I'm still new, so I can write from mostly a fan's point of view on just how beautiful our current project looks. It has this wonderful blend of Classic Disney Animation meets N.C. Wyeth meets Tim Burton. So you can imagine how fun it is for me to be involved in it! A Vampyre Story is due out in just a couple more months. Here are a few teaser images that AME has released on their website (obviously, not by me).

So yeah, I can't claim any credit on these, nor can I show what I've been working on until quite some time from now.... But hopefully you can get an idea of what kinds of things I'm doing these days. Which is mostly in-game 2D backgrounds, design, and eventually some props and characters. Oh, as well as waking up several hours earlier than I used to and driving forty-five minutes to work versus my old commute of one flight of stairs. But once I get adjusted to that last part, I'm sure you'll be seeing more updates!