I'm finally getting used to the routine of working in a game studio, and as a result, mustering the energy to paint in my spare time. My good friend
Jimmy G and his gigantic pup Kirby met up with me in Petaluma after work for a quick sketch session in a small hilltop park.

My aim was to get something down as quickly as possible-- to just paint something outside of work without worrying about the results. Always easier said than done. As if on cue, the marine fog layer rolled in from twenty miles away just as we were getting our block ins done. I think this, along with the chilly wind biting at my exposed hands would have discouraged me, but it was so good to be outside again that I didn't care.
Nice job Mike! With such adverse conditions, I should have switched into "guerilla sketch" mode and ditched the oils in favor of the watercolor/gouache. cest' la vie!
You have a great blog here.. your last post is really amazing.. keep it up!!
Congratulations on all your success, Mike. You were always so talented in Art. Anyway, it's just great to see all you've done and accomplished. Just really amazing.
Thanks for the comments gang.
And although there's nothing quite as intriguing as getting an anonymous note from someone it seems you knew years ago, I'll respect your privacy and just say thanks...
... Dan! ..... not even close? Okay. Just thought I'd give it a shot..... Wendy! ... that can't be it, I never even knew a Wendy.
Ah well. Thanks anyway. :)
Rupert!! ....
Nice try...
Well shucks, you're no fun....
Let's see, are there are five letters in your first name, eight in the middle, and was there at one time five in the last?
That's another shot in the dark, though it's based on me being able to count on one finger the number of people who capitalize Art. Who knows, you could be the second. Cheers at any rate. :)
Sooo..... Not sure if you're still subscribed to these comments, but if you are.... I'd love to get an actual email with a "hello, how are you".... rather than me blindly sending out emails to old friends who... well.... probably wouldn't want to hear from me in the first place!
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