But back in the art school days, us students would rummage through each others books after each 20 minute session, in search of the best drawing, that holy grail of line quality and gesture. Talk about pressure! These days I'm less concerned with achieving a perfectly drawn foot, and while I think it's important to learn all that stuff before you start breaking the rules, if you forget how to have fun along the way - well then you're in trouble.
Asleep yet? Here's some doodley-doos for making it through. Sorry, the proportions are a bit off.

Wow I have alot of duttonbloggin to catch up on!
No complaints though -looking forward to it.
Dude- that comic is hilarious. I think you're so funny :) And I totally agree btw . Some people have sketchbooks that look like a collection of finished pieces...but others have sketchbooks with rough experiments and doodles. Do what you do :)
i cannot agree more with your comic about the jet-lag conversation w/ alex! i have been there many times as well.
love the doodley-doos!
aweswome drawings and goauches!!!
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